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The name of the foundation is: "European Foundation for Plant Pathology". Hereafter, it shall be referred to as "the foundation". The seat of the foundation is Wageningen, The Netherlands. The secretariat shall be at the office of the General Secretary. 2. Object The object of the foundation is to promote scientific and technical cooperation in the field of plant pathology in Europe and for such purposes to facilitate the exchange of scientific information between plant pathologists, especially European plant pathologists, who are members of national or regional scientific organizations in the field of plant pathology or related fields. 3. Activities To fulfil the object, the foundation shall: a. organize meetings, symposia and conferences b. collect and disseminate information c. advise, collaborate and maintain liaison with relevant national and international organizations d. encourage formation of national societies of plant pathologists within Europe and of international groups of plant pathologists specialised in certain fields e. undertake any lawful activity in pursuance of the object of the foundation f. remain a scientific organization not engaged in any form of political activity and without the objective of financial gain 4. Board a. The affairs of the foundation shall be conducted by a board. b. Board members are nominated by phytopathological associations and societies and other societies with a predominantly phytopathological interest in the European area (hereafter referred to as member societies). Board members must be resident in Europe. c. Admissions of societies to the foundation shall be decided by the board provided that the society making the application has submitted sufficient documentation of its activities to the General Secretary at least three months before the board meeting at which a decision on the application is to be made. d. Any member society can withdraw from the federation, provided that notice of such an intention has been communicated to the Secretary General at least three months before the board meeting at which a dicision on the withdrawal application is to be made. e. Each member society, which is contributing annually an agreed sum of money to the foundation, has the right to nominate one or more delegates to the board, as defined in the internal regulations. If a delegate, nominated by a society, cannot attend a meeting of the board, that society may appoint a deputy. The board has the right to coopt to the board one additional member for a term of three years. The coopted member has the right to vote and shall be eligible for a position in the executive committee. f. The procedures for meetings of the board an for voting are defined in the internal regulations. 5. The Executive Committee a. The board shall elect an executive committee (EXCOM), comprising at least a president, two vice-presidents, a secretary general, a treasurer and a meeting secretary. b. The procedures for meetings, voting and reelection, and the term of office of EXCOM officers are defined in the internal regulations. c. The EXCOM controls the finances and administration, and carries into effect the decisions of the board. It can take and carry out its own decisions within the limits of the policy of the foundation and of the budget approved by the board. The EXCOM shall report on the activities and on the finances to the board. d. The EXCOM can take decisions provided that the president and at least two members are present. e. The president together with the secretary general represent the foundation in legal and other matters. If for any reason one of them is unble to act, he shall be represented by the treasurer.
a. The funds of the federation shall come from -member societies -supporting organizations and governments -gifts, legacies and grants -other sources b. Portion of the funds of the foundation can be transferred to, and reversely obtained from, the treasurer of a committee for the organization of a scientific meeting , symposium or conference, or for any other activity, provided that these activities are organized under the auspices of the foundation. c. No portion of the funds shall be transferred, directly or indirectly, to member of the board or to organizations which they represent, except in good faith as as reasonable and proper remuneration to any board member, officer or servant of the foundation in return for any services actually rendered to the federation. d. The financial year begins on January 1st and ends on December 31st. e. All expenditure on behalf of the foundation shall be allowed only in accordance with the annual budget approved by the EXCOM. Other supplementary expenditure shall only be possible by permission, in writing, of the treasurer and the president and shall be explained at the following meeting of the EXCOM and board. f. The treasurer shall produce an annual financial statement and budget which will be offered to the EXCOM and board. g. The audit of the finances of the foundation shall be conducted annually by two auditors, elected by the board, who may ask the assisistance of a chartered accountant. The authors shall report to the EXCOM and to the board. 7. Alterations of the Statutes a. The EXCOM, as well as meber societies may initiate proposals for altering the statutes. The secretary general shal notify all member societies of such proposals in writing at least one month before a board meeting. b. A decision for altering the statutes shall be made on a vote of delegates at a board meeting. Alterations shall require ratifications of two thirds of the delegates present at the meeting, and a notarial act before implementation. c. Neither alterations shall be made which would extend the object of the foundation beyond the main objects of advancing scientific and technical cooperation in the field of plant pathology, nor by reason whereof the legal status of the foundation shall be altered. 8. Liquidation a. Notic of any proposal for liquidation of the federation, when it has not been initiated by the board, must be notified in writing to the secretary general, at least six months before a board meeting. The secretary general shall in turn notify all member societies of the proposal at least three months before the board meeting at which the proposal is to be discussed. b. Any decision to liquidate the foundation shall be passed on a postal vote to be hald after the board meeting. If two-thirds of the member societies voting are in favour of liquidation the foundation shall be dissolved. c. The president carries out the liquidation, unless a resolution of the board has decided otherwise. Any surplus assets of the foundation shall be dispersed to member societies pro rata to the contribution they made in the previous financial year, to be applied for purposes associated with research in plant pathology. 9. Internal Regulations The executive committee works out internal regulations, whose stipulations cannot be contrary to the statutes. They must be ratified by the board. Proposals for alteration shall require also ratification by a majority vote of the board and shall be announced to all board members. 10. Financial Stipulations a. In case of any omission in the statutes or in the internal regulations and in case on any doubt the EXCOM shall decide. b. The foundation is registered in the accordance with the Dutch law from which it derives all rights as a legal entity. The implementation of the statutes is determined by Dutch law.
a. National or regional phytopathological, microbiological or other societies in Europe will be recognized as member societies if they represent more than twenty active research workers in the field of plant pathology, mycology, virology or bacteriology and if they contribute annually per represented research worker the sum set by the board. They shall provide the secretary general with information on th number of research workers they represent and with some details as to the nature of their organization. In European countries without national or regional societies for plant pathologists national academies of science or agriculture, or similar bodies, can be regarded as member societies. b. The aim is that each European contry has at least one member society. c. Each member society shall be entitled to nominate a board member. If a member society represents more than hundred research workers, as indicated in a) it may nominate two board members. 2. Affiliated non-member organizations Organizations in related fields (e.g. entomology, nematology, weed research) may be admitted as affiliated non-member organizations. They will be informed on the activities of the foundation and may be charged for sending this information. 3. Affiliation with the International Society of Plant Pathology The foundation shall pursue cooperation with the International Society of Plant Pathology when and where appropriate. 4. The Board a. Board meetings shall be held at least once every two years, preferably during a scientific conference, organised by the EFPP. Members of the board shall be given at least one month notice of the data of any board meeting. An extra-ordinary meeting shall be called within three months upon a written request of not less than a quarter of the members of the board. b. The term of office of a board member shall be from the end of one confrence to the end of the next. Six months before a conference, member societies will be asked to submit to the board the names of their nominees for the next board. Members of the board may be renominated, but no more than twice. c. The board may admit non-members to its meetings. d. The board shall - elect members of the executive committee. - direct the executive committee in matters of policy and management. - consider, approve or amend reports on the work of the executive committee. - decide on the nature, place and date of scientific meetings. - consider other activities of the foundation. - consider establishment of sections, commissions, committees and working groups and approve the appointment of their officers. - consider approval of audited accounts of the federation, submitted by the treasurer. - determine fees to be payed by member societies and affiliated non-member organizations. - appoint two auditors to audit the accounts of the foundation; these may be members of the board, but not of the EXCOM. The term of office of an auditor shall be four years. One of the auditors is changed every two years. - decide on proposals for alterations of the statutes and internal regulations. e. Except as otherwise expressly provided in the statutes or the internal regulations, any matter to be decided by the board shall be decided by a simple majority of those present and voting of the board, provided that at least one-third of the delegates or their deputies are present.
a. The members of the EXCOM must belong to as many nationalities as is practicable. The president shall normally be a resident of the country at which the next scientific conference is due to be held. The terms of office for the president shall be from the end of one conference till the end of the following conference. The retiring president remains by right a member of the EXCOM as vice-president for another term. The other EXCOM members shall also serve for such a term and shall be eligible for reappointment to the same office for a further term. In addition he (or she) may be appointed by the board in the office for a futher one, two or three years, to ensure continuity in the administration of the affairs of the foundation. Each of the EXCOM members shall ex officio be a member of the board with the right to vote. b. The EXCOM shall meet preferably once a year. Three members (including the president) shall form a quorum for each meeting. The president shall call an extra-ordinary meeting at any time upon the written request of at least three members of the EXCOM. The EXCOM may admit others to its meetings. c. The EXCOM shall, in accordance with article 5 of the statutes: - conduct the affairs of the foundation and promote, coordinate and advise on activities of the foundation. - submit to the board matters for consideration and decision. - prepare the agenda for meetings of the board. - submit to the board annual reports on the activities and finances of the foundation. 6. Scientific Meetings a. Scientific meetins of a general character (conferences) shall be held once each two years (not in the years that congresses of the International Society of Plant Pathology take place) at places chosen by the board. Such a conference shall be organized by the member society (societies) of the conntry in which the chosen place is located. The general plan of the conference shall be submitted to the EXCOM for approval. b. Financial responsibility for the conference shall rest with the member society of the host country and not with the foundation. Any surplus assets deriving form a conference will be made available to the foundation as a start for the organization of the following conference. c. Meetings of a more specialize character (symposia, discussion groups, working groups) may be organised, when and where regarded to be useful, under the auspices of the foundation, provided approval of the EXCOM is obtained. 7. Dissemination of Information a. Member societies and affiliated non-member organizations will submit to the secretary general fully detailed documentation of national and local scientific meetings in the field of plant pathology in a broad sense. The secretary general shall collect this and other relevant information in a quarterly information bulletin and send it to member societies, affiliated non-member organizations and other supporting organizations. b. The foundation may also issue other publications, the financing and distribution shall be decided by the board. |